Appalachian State University will add a Carolina West Wireless cell phone tower on top of Gardner Residence Hall in August 2014, said Tom Kane, director of housing and residence life.
The permanent tower will be added after the flooring is replaced on the second through the ninth floors in May 2014, Kane said.The tower has been temporarily placed on Bodenheimer Drive next to the pump station across from Mountaineer Hall, said Michael O’Connor, the director of Physical Plant.
“Putting these sites on campus improves cell coverage, capacity and access for our students,” O’Connor said.Carolina West Wireless is headquartered in Wilkesboro and is the exclusive wireless provider for Appalachian athletics.”Providing a great network in and around Appalachian State University has always been a high priority for Carolina West Wireless,” Slayton Stewart, Carolina West Wireless CEO, said to the Watauga Democrat. “We are very pleased to enhance our network on campus as well as the surrounding area in Boone.”
Story: CHELSEY FISHER, Senior News Reporter