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The Appalachian

The Student News Site of Appalachian State University

The Appalachian

The Student News Site of Appalachian State University

The Appalachian

Lindsay Bookout

Opinion: Careful, your ignorance is showing

Abbi Pittman October 8, 2012

I have a game for you all. Find the slur words: "Yo man, that's gay.""I like your shorts. No homo though.""He said that? What a faggot.""Oh my God. That's just retarded."Homo. Faggot. Retarded. Even gay,...

Casey Sugilia

Opinion: IKEA’s apology was unnecessary

Anne Buie October 8, 2012

IKEA's most recent catalogue features not only furniture, but women modeling with the furniture to show how comfortable and useful the company's furniture really is.However, in the Saudi-Arabian version...

David Sabbagh

Opinion: Debate didn’t help sway undecided voters

Abbi Pittman October 6, 2012

If the purpose of Wednesday's debate was to help undecided voters determine which candidate would be better for the country, it failed horribly. Instead of a reasoned, back-and-forth discussion about the...

Katie Reule

Opinion: Character mattered in the Denver debate

Abbi Pittman October 6, 2012

Who would think that the 2012 Denver presidential debate would stir up more conversation about Big Bird than the actual policies being discussed? I don't know about you, but I found it rather hard to focus...

Allison Langewisch

Cartoon: Battle tactics at the Denver debate

Abbi Pittman October 4, 2012

Cartoon: Allison Langewisch, Editorial Cartoonist

Abbi Pittman

Opinion: To she or not to she?

Abbi Pittman October 3, 2012

Last week, I got a call from my sister. “I think I’m gonna start going by ‘they’ instead of ‘she’,” she told me. “Why, to defy the laws of grammar?” I asked her. But no, that’s not...

Andrew Cox

Cartoon: Romney to eliminate arts spending

Abbi Pittman October 3, 2012

  Cartoon: Andrew Cox, Editorial Cartoonist

Anne Buie

PCP: Romney supports American ideals

Abbi Pittman October 3, 2012

The following is part of a Point / Counter-Point series highlighting important issues and platform points for both candidates in the upcoming election. Read the counter-point here.  Welfare has taken...

Michael Bragg

PCP: When it comes to welfare, we need Obama

Abbi Pittman October 3, 2012

The following is part of a Point / Counter-Point series highlighting important issues and platform points for both candidates in the upcoming election. Read the counter-point here. We live in a government...

Katie Reule

PCP: It’s about self-worth, not vanity

Abbi Pittman October 3, 2012

The following is part of Point / Counter-Point discussing our culture's approach to self-esteem and how we are affected. Read the counter-point here.  Some days you just don’t feel your best. For...

Kevin Griffin

PCP: The self-esteem myth and why it’s a problem

Abbi Pittman October 3, 2012

The following is part of Point / Counter-Point discussing our culture's approach to self-esteem and how we are affected. Read the counter-point here. It seems detrimental attempts are made to elevate...

Lindsay Bookout

PCP: Pets in dorms would help students

Abbi Pittman October 3, 2012

The following is part of a Point / Counter-Point debating whether or not certain pets should be allowed in dorm rooms. Read the counter-point here. Many freshmen and sophomores in transition from living...

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