Q’s Corner: PETA

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is an organization that purports to support animal rights, but is actually more like an animal hate group intent on eradicating the living beings it claims to protect.

The organization was in the news for releasing a tweet on Feb. 22 criticizing Google for creating a Google Doodle in honor of the late Steve Irwin’s 57th birthday.

What’s worse is that PETA didn’t just stop at that one tweet, it kept going with several more tweets attacking Irwin; the organization was determined to further dig the hole it seems to have made its home in.

Irwin was a wildlife conservationist and host of the popular TV series “The Crocodile Hunter,” which ran from 1996-2007 after Irwin’s death in 2006. Irwin was known for his liberal use of the word “crikey” and for getting up close and personal with the wildlife he exhibited in his show. Irwin was extremely passionate about wildlife, and he devoted his life to preserving it and bringing knowledge and understanding of it into the homes of people in over 100 countries through his show.

“The Crocodile Hunter” was an advocate for wildlife preservation, which is why it’s so infuriating that PETA, an organization that kidnaps beloved family pets from their homes and murders them, according to Huffington Post, would have the gall to criticize him. In November 2014, two PETA employees were caught on video removing a family’s dog from their porch and then euthanizing it later that day. PETA later settled with the family on behalf of its employees in August 2017.

The organization has no redeeming value. PETA operates a so-called “shelter” out of Virginia, but what they call a shelter would be better described as a slaughterhouse. In 2018, PETA euthanized 71.7 percent of the animals placed there. The organization killed nearly 1,800 animals in one year alone.

Since 1998, this shelter has murdered 39,961 animals, and that’s just from official records. A former employee revealed that the organization encourages its employees to steal and kill pets and then falsify records of said actions.

PETA also attempts to actively stifle journalists who seek to expose and criticize the actions of the organization and its employees.

In honor of Irwin and other great conservationists and the good of all animals, PETA needs to be shut down permanently and with great prejudice.