With spring break right around the corner, it is hard not to picture yourself vacationing in the fanciest fashion. Whether it be sitting on a secluded beach, visiting historical landmarks, joining the bustling city crowds or sitting at home with your cat in complete silence for a week, everyone has their dream. For the Opinion Desk, those dreams take us all around the world.
Leah Boone, Opinion Editor
Picture this: five perfectly warm and sunny days, a private beach with crystal clear water and your whole family being able to be together; including the cats. My dream spring break would absolutely look something like this. Ideally, it would be somewhere in the Caribbean that is not a popular vacation spot, where my whole family could be together and have ourselves a grand ol’ time. Spring break to me has always been a time for relaxation and rest, and being able to do this with a family that is spread out across the country would be amazing. Pair this with a couple of good books and I’m in heaven for the whole week.
Bella Lantz, Associate Opinion Editor
Italy, especially Rome, has always been a dream destination spot for me. I love ancient history and would enjoy getting to go see the ruins of a once-beautiful civilization. The Colosseum is incredibly popular, but I have wanted to see it since I was in middle school, so I am okay with following the crowd. Pompeii is another city that has fascinated me and would be amazing to see in person. These are only just a few examples, as there is so much more to see and do in Rome, Italy, especially when I would want to see everything.
Nadine Jallal, Opinion Writer
When I think about a dream spring break, the first thing that comes to mind is a state of mind, not a geographical location. I cannot remember a spring break in my life that did not consist of schoolwork or turning my part-time job into a full-time job for the week. So, my dream spring break is one without schoolwork or a job. One where I can lay in my bed all week if I wish, see all the people I am always too busy to see and maybe even reconnect with who I am outside of my responsibilities. Maybe it’s just the senioritis talking, but I would simply love a break that feels like a break.
El Shedrick, Opinion Writer
My dream spring break would be to go to Europe with my girlfriend and backpack around a bunch of different countries. I have never been to any part of Europe before, so I think this would be a super fun experience. It does not matter to me where I stayed, but ideally I would like to spend 1-2 days in each country. The top countries I would want to visit are Italy, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands and maybe Ireland if there was time. I love food and trying different cuisines, so I think this would be a great opportunity to try authentic foods I have never had before.
Allison Lehan, Opinion Writer
My ideal spring break would be spent in Sedona, Arizona. I would spend the first few days visiting local art galleries like the Hillside Sedona Gallery and exploring small businesses within the downtown area. I would eat at great Southwestern restaurants and buy jewelry from local artists. The majority of my time there would be spent exploring scenic hiking trails like the Devil’s Bridge and camping close to the Red Rocks, eventually driving up out of the area to see the Grand Canyon before begrudgingly flying back home.
Kaylie Morales, Opinion Writer
My ideal spring break would be in Japan. I would love to spend the week immersing myself in Japanese culture through history, food and interactions with locals. On my bucket list is to take a train through the countryside and enjoy the scenery. In the city, I would want to walk around and find hidden restaurants tucked away in alleyways, places that tourists would not normally visit. At the top of my bucket list is to visit Ao Island, commonly known as Cat Island, and pet all the cats that I can find. That would be my ideal spring break.
Courtney Quinton, Opinion Writer
The dreamiest of spring breaks for me would be the chance to go home and see my family, especially my dog. Doing anything with them after such a busy and bustling semester brings me peace and a sense of knowing everything will always work out. Laying on a beach, reading a book and just watching the waves is another key thing that I look forward to when I go home. The mountains and the ocean always find a way to remind me life is bigger than anything I have going on.
Emily Escobedo Ramirez, Opinion Writer
For spring break, I would travel to see the current seven wonders of the world. In a perfect world where I’m rich, have travel points and can move at warp speed, I would dedicate a day to seeing each wonder in the following order: Chichén Itzá in Mexico, Christ the Redeemer in Brazil, Machu Picchu in Peru, Petra in Jordan, The Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal in India and The Colosseum in Italy. I’ve always been fascinated by the world, and seeing these online does no justice to experiencing it in person. I could totally make it work.