App State updates face covering policy, students share thoughts
June 20, 2020
App State students, faculty and staff will adapt to a new updated face covering policy on campus this fall.
Both the mouth and nose must be covered when 6 feet of distance cannot be maintained. This can include campus hallways, classrooms, instructional areas, stairwells, elevators, restrooms and kitchens, according to an email Friday.
Chancellor Sheri Everts initially announced the policy in a June 12 message.
“Wearing a face covering is an expression of care, an acknowledgment of community, and a vital part of our plan to make our university as safe as possible for everyone,” App State wrote in an email.
Violations may result in disciplinary action, “up to and including termination or expulsion,” according to the policy.

Students voiced their thoughts on Facebook group App State Classifieds. Junior Kayleigh Conley said she’s proud of the university for enforcing masks on campus.
“If wearing a simple mask a) protects you and others b) allows us to have in person instruction and a college experience, even though it may be altered for safety and precautions, I’ll wear a mask,” Conley said.
Face coverings are not required in situations with close personal contact. This applies to working alone in a room or office, or when walking alone in an uncrowded outdoor location.
As for residential halls, students are not expected to wear face coverings in private living spaces. However, masks are required in common areas such as lobbies.
Junior Sara Shepherd said she is “very happy they are not mandating masks to be worn at all times!”
Self-supplied masks are good to use as long as they are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and in accordance with CDC guidelines. Three reusable face coverings will be provided to every student, faculty and staff member.
Those unable to wear a face covering due to a medical condition should contact the Office of Disability Services for an accommodation to the policy.
“I wish the administration would officially make accommodations for students like me,” said Maggie Mae, an older student with medically at-risk children. “Right now I am relying on the extra effort and concern of my professors to accommodate my medical needs”
Student Emily Allen said the policy will be “useless.”
“People will still cram themselves into frat houses and share drinks and blunts and spit behind closed doors; also hands will be transmitting germs as per usual,” Allen, a junior, said.
Allen said cafeterias, where students will eat without face coverings, will be crowded as well. She said while the policy means well, she doesn’t believe it will be that effective.
“You won’t catch me wearing a mask, that’s for sure, said Daniel Kahill, a senior. “I have had to wear a mask on some job sites where I work and I can tell you it is not comfortable and I probably touched my face twice as much so what good is a cloth mask (?)”
MuChao • Jun 22, 2020 at 7:12 am
Well Mr Kahill, then you won’t be attending classes in person this fall, I take it. Because you’re sure as heck not getting into any classrooms without a mask, uncomfortable or not. Considering that you’re a *senior* university student, maybe you could put your skills to use and instead of making an ignorant comment like: “so what good is a cloth mask,” maybe, oh gee, I don’t know, do a half ounce of *RESEARCH* as why masks are being required.
They’re not to protect you, their to help *reduce* the spread of contagion, that’s it.
It’s a common courtesy to those around you, you know, like wearing clothing and practicing basic hygiene. Though I guess that assumes that you at least do that much for those around you with whom you share this space…