Jorma Krebs: punk fashion

Georgia Privott, A&C Reporter

Jorma Krebs’ appreciation for punk has influenced his music taste, which shows through his everyday style.

Krebs, junior history education major, uses fashion to express nonconformity to mainstream culture and to demonstrate punk individualism. Krebs said he sees punk as a philosophy that affects his fashion.

“Punk is going against the norm, and the best way to do that is to just look different than everybody,” Krebs said.

His overt mohawk and unconventional style occasionally causes people to give Krebs strange looks. Krebs said their looks never bother him, and he finds humor in people’s unacceptance.

He portrays his confidence through combat boots and denim jackets covered with buttons and patches from bands such as Bad Religion, The Exploited, Ramones and Misfits. Since coming to college, he has collected enough merchandise to create his two denim masterpieces, a vest and a jacket.

Krebs said paying full price for clothing goes against the punk attitude, so instead of paying for band T-shirts, he makes his own.

“I had a bunch of white T-shirts and nothing to do with them, so I made stencils for different bands and spray-painted the stencils on,” Krebs said.

He has painted a few buttons with phrases like “Punk’s not dead,” and a Ramones lyric, “Do the cretin hop.”

Krebs adds a finishing touch to his outfits with two pieces of jewelry, his Afro-Atlantic heart-linked necklace and his lock and chain necklace.

“(My jewelry) is an act of solidarity and unity for anyone who is in the working class majority, which are inherently chained,” Krebs said.

Liberty and equality are key motifs for his daily look, Krebs said. Whether he is wearing patches on his vest or a chain around his neck, Krebs continually represents the punk philosophy.