As the competitive nature of business and education continue to evolve at a global level, the installation of the new Common Core State Standards serves as the driving force behind keeping the U.S. competitive.
CCSS presents very clear standards that recognize the demands of colleges and business, and encourages success, according to It also enables teachers to track individual student progress and collaborate with fellow teachers.
Because math and English are universal, CCSS’s focus on these two subjects ensures quality preparation to enter virtually any field.
While the intentions of CCSS are clear and viable mechanisms for preparing students, it neglects to take note of short- and long-term social and financial circumstances.
Because CCSS is ultimately left to the states, it could serve as a moderator for existing standards. States that have standards exceeding those of CCSS could lower existing procedures to relieve the stress of rigorous curriculum.
It is also conceivable that states with low standards could have a difficult time adapting to the rigorous CCSS objectives. In this situation, there could be a danger of leaving some teachers and students behind.
To maintain high levels of competition, standardized tests will become more important. The danger of relying on the comparison of test scores is the simple fact that many people just don’t test well, and it would be a disservice to the idea of success if individual success relies on one test.
There is also a financial burden that may limit the success in some areas and ultimately leave some schools behind.
States are likely to turn the implementation aspect over to local officiators. This does allow the program to be tailored to meet specific needs, but it may not be doable for low-income areas.
To keep up with the standards, schools will have to provide new materials, including expensive technology, which can be a financial impossibility for schools relying on funds from property taxes in low-income areas.
Remaining on the financial concerns, what happens when there is a boom of students applying and enrolling in colleges and universities?
There are 37 million Americans with loan debt that comes to a collective total of $1.1 trillion, according to Student loan debt is the second largest consumer debt in the U.S.
It is, without question, necessary that the U.S. remains competitive in the global market, and CCSS is a great mechanism. But it is imperative to understand and be prepared to respond to dire financial repercussions in the long and short terms and be aware that standards can leave many behind.
Dewey Mullis, a junior criminal justice major from Wallburg, is an opinion writer.