North Carolina to remain in Phase 3, indoor gathering limit reduced


Jake Markland, Reporter

Gov. Roy Cooper announced that North Carolina will remain in Phase 3 and amended restrictions in a press conference Tuesday. 

The indoor gathering limit, previously 25, is being reduced to 10 people beginning Nov. 13 and lasting until Dec. 4. 

Cooper said he adjusted the indoor gathering limit based on current trends and impending cooler weather moving people indoors. He said science has shown that COVID-19 transmission is much greater indoors. 

“This reduction in our indoor gathering limit aims to slow the spread and bring down our numbers,” Cooper said. “It also sends a serious signal to families, friends and neighbors across our state.”

The announcement comes as North Carolina has 297,442 cumulative cases and 4,660 COVID-19 related deaths.

Cooper also announced that, starting Thursday, full-service restaurants may apply for up to $20,000 in rent or mortgage assistance through the North Carolina Department of Commerce. 

The North Carolina governor said that “this pandemic will end,” citing that a vaccine is in the final development stages and the FDA has authorized a “promising” new treatment.  

As the holiday season approaches, Cooper encourages families to continue to practice COVID safety during the holidays by reducing guest lists, spacing out tables, getting tested for COVID-19 and connecting virtually. 

“Find a way that works for your family and know that your sacrifice is helping all of our state,” Cooper said.