There are few places that have something for all people. Public libraries house resources people from all walks of life can utilize. Often, there is a stereotypical library that is portrayed by pop culture — a large dark building full of books with old ladies sitting behind the desk waiting for a reason to shush you.
However, if you have been in a public library recently, they tend to have quite a different feel than the stereotypical library. Libraries are places of learning, exploring, conversations and resources that can benefit anyone who uses them.
The importance of unabridged access to information, services, community and resources is vital now more than ever. Representation of different perspectives, people and experiences can only result in more well rounded and empathetic people and there can never be too many of those.
Libraries are buildings full of books, but they also offer so many other resources that contribute to the public health of a community. Libraries are a resources hub that can help connect people with each other and necessary resources, such as health care, food access and education.
Libraries support people in multiple different aspects of health. For example, in response to the opioid crisis, public libraries across the country supply access to naloxone, a drug that saves lives in the event of an overdose. Libraries are also important to the educational and social health of a community. Public libraries offer regular programming for people of all ages. These services can include children’s reading time, summer reading programs, teen writing clubs, English as a second language courses and general education development classes.
Not all programs are academic focused. Many public libraries often host events for people to be social. These things can include yoga classes, movie showings, cooking classes and more.
Libraries are a vital part to the health of communities and their residents. A local library card is all one needs in order to utilize the numerous services libraries supply and maintain. Despite all the good libraries do, there is still a constant push back to limit the material libraries have to offer.
Despite all of these amazing benefits and services that libraries provide our communities they are still contending with efforts to try to undermine their presence and influence. In 2023, the American Library Association recorded “1,247 demands to censor library books, materials, and resources.” In public libraries, there was a 92% increase of titles targeted for censorship from the previous year. Forty-seven percent of books targeted for censorship represented experiences and voices of LGBTQ+ and people of color.
North Carolina was on the list with 16 other states who attempted to censor over 100 titles. The rates of censorship on both national and state level are nothing but alarming to the current state which reflects the value of information in society.
There are many ways to support your local library that are much easier than one would think and often require very little of people. One often overlooked way to support your local library is to get a library card and use it.
By utilizing public library services you show the need and interest in their services which will hopefully prolong their existence. Another way to support your library is to spread the word about their resources and participate in fundraisers. Voting in local elections for candidates who support libraries is important because most public library budgets are provided by the local government.
Libraries offer at least one thing everyone can benefit from, and it is this that is currently under attack. Libraries are an important part of freedom of information and exist to support the local community and its residents.