App State vaccinates 680 at first vaccination clinic
M.S. Shook Student Health Service workers prepare for people to get vaccinated the morning of the clinic.
March 12, 2021
App State held its first COVID-19 vaccination clinic March 11 and 12; workers exhausted the entire supply and vaccinated 680 people.
Because the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services approved the university to be a community distribution center for the COVID-19 vaccine in February, members of the App State community were able to receive the single dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
The university was allocated 500 doses Thursday, but an additional 180 were transferred from local public health.
“I have heard many positive comments about how well the clinic was run, and the staff on-site were thrilled to be part of this important time in the history of our university and nation,” said Chancellor Sheri Everts in an update.
Those categorized under Group 3 of the North Carolina’s distribution guidelines were eligible to be vaccinated at the two-day event.
Group 3 includes individuals working in child care or frontline essential jobs.
To be considered a frontline essential worker, an individual must work in one of eight essential sectors. These sectors are critical manufacturing, education, essential goods, food and agriculture, government services, public health, public safety and transportation.
North Carolina will open up vaccination opportunities to individuals in Group 4 starting March 17. Group 4 includes people 16-64 years old who are at high risk and workers who are essential but not frontline.
High risk could mean an individual has a condition that may result in severe COVID-19 illness. It could also mean an individual lives in a congregate living setting.
App State students living in residence halls will be eligible to receive a vaccine April 7, when Phase Two of Group 4 begins.
Everyone else will be eligible under Group 5.
Members of the App State community will receive an email when they become eligible. If an eligible individual does not receive an email, they can receive a vaccine through AppHealthCare, Appalachian Regional Healthcare System or some local pharmacies.
All of this comes as North Carolina has had 881,823 cases of COVID-19 and and 11.5% of the state population is fully vaccinated.
App State has had 1,787 cases of COVID-19 since March 27, 2020.
While there is no set date for the next App State vaccine clinic, a university spokesperson said they will continue to hold them as long as necessary.
“We look forward to hosting future clinics for our faculty, staff, students and the local community,” Everts said.