A white nationalist group is targeting Appalachian State University and “defending” white and Christian privilege with a campaign called Bully Boards.
The National Youth Front, a wing of the white nationalist American Freedom Party, first plastered posters in one of the expression tunnels on Appalachian’s campus Tuesday, following the Forum on Privilege hosted by the university Monday night, which featured six faculty members who discussed the idea of privilege in an attempt to educate the student body.
The boards have received national attention since one was posted in East Residence Hall by resident assistant and senior political science major Reginald Gravely. The board, which asked students to “check” their privilege, received coverage from the online publications Campus Reform and Young Conservatives before the story was eventually picked up by Fox News.
The bulletin board was defended by University Housing, which refused to take it down and has been holding meetings in residence halls to educate students. Similar bulletin boards have also been posted on campus, such as one titled “Unpacking Christian Privilege,” which was vandalized in a residence hall shortly following its posting.
Chief Diversity Officer Bindu Jayne said in an email that the posters show a sharp contrast with the environment of the forum held the night before.
“Students, understandably, are angry, fearful and upset about the imagery,” Jayne stated in the email. “So am I.”
Sophomore studio art major Rebekah Richardson posted a photograph of the posters in the tunnel on Facebook, which received many shares and comments. She said when she first saw them, she thought it was laughable, until she realized they were a white supremacist group who may be trying to recruit students.
“The current racial climate at [Appalachian] is already bad enough,” Richardson said. “This presence is really not what our campus needs right now. It should really be an eye opener to those who are unwilling to believe that we have a serious issue with racism on our campus and in the U.S.”
NYF leader Angelo John Gage said the posters were phase II of the campaign against Appalachian, which he said is an “anti-white” institution. The group also asked its supporters to email Chancellor Sheri N. Everts asking her to take down bulletin boards surrounding the idea of privilege in a YouTube video on their website and Facebook page.
According to www.nationalyouthfront.com, the group is not a supremacist organization but “an elite youth organization dedicated to the preservation of all White people.” But Gage denied that privilege exists, calling it “cultural Marxist rhetoric that is designed to destroy our culture by undermining everything that has created it in order to bring about some impossible utopia of equality.”
The group also worked with the Traditionalist Youth Network, which subscribes to similar beliefs under the Traditionalist school of thought.
Gage posted another video Wednesday morning in response to angry emails, Facebook posts and tweets he received from students, saying he didn’t understand why white students who had responded negatively were being “suicidal” and acting against their own interests.
Appalachian does not have registered chapters of NYF or TYN on campus, although the Southern Poverty Law Center reported in February there is an NYF chapter in Asheville. Gage refused to disclose who was putting the posters up and whether Appalachian students were involved.
The administration was not available for comment at the time of publication.
The Office of Multicultural Student Development encouraged students with questions to contact Bindu Jayne or Dean of Students J.J. Brown, and to direct concerns for their safety as well as information about who is putting posters up to the University Police at (828) 262-8000.
Correction: An earlier version of the story referred to the National Youth Front as a “Neo-nazi” group. However, the group identifies as “white nationalists” and is categorized as such by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Story: Laney Ruckstuhl, News Editor
Roberto • May 22, 2015 at 11:40 pm
Despite the “correction” and removal of “Neo-Nazi” the URL STILL shows the original title!!
Ms. Ruckstahl, your “correction” seems to be half-hearted and disingenuous.
Luc • Apr 21, 2015 at 10:39 am
‘Chief Diversity Officer’
Please tell me that title is a joke. That’s the funniest crap I’ve heard in a while.
Ty • Apr 21, 2015 at 7:13 am
Epic!! Only thing left is to SUE these kosher media outlets for slander and libel. No where is the I d that of supremacy or nazi.
bonnie • Apr 20, 2015 at 8:46 pm
its sad that you have to try to demonize the national youth front by calling them Nazi’s because you have no defense for the anti-white propaganda on your campus.
if anyone who wants to see for there self what the NATIONAL YOUTH FRONT is all about just go to http://www.nationalyouthfront.com
Horace Gunn • Apr 18, 2015 at 3:02 am
This entire ‘white privilege’ program is so asinine, so brainwashed, so deluded and idiotic that only the most intelligent people actually believe in it. Not only that it is the epitome of self hate. And so, as the North America continues to darken and ripen for an inevitably violent confrontation between Cultural Marxists, their enablers, and true patriots we have yet another example at ASU of the insolent rot that permeates former seats of higher learning. Nice job, cupcakes.
Jim • Apr 18, 2015 at 1:51 am
“neo-Nazi” LOL!
Every bloody handed tyrant routinely calls those he is killing “extremists.”
Any time White people speak out in our own interests, we are called “racist”,
“extremist”, or “NaziwhowantstokillsixmillionJews”.
Antiracist is just a CODE WORD for antiWhite.
Too Many • Apr 17, 2015 at 10:01 pm
Traditionalist Youth & NYF are not neo-nazi groups!
Arthur Chall • Apr 17, 2015 at 8:28 pm
screw your entire idea of privilege. You are anti white racists
Michael O'Neill • Apr 17, 2015 at 12:37 pm
White people exist. White people have a right to exist. White people have a right to exist as White people. The age of guilt is over. Reactionary accusations of “neo-nazism”, “racism”, or “supremacism” will no longer stop Whites from demanding their right to self-determination.
Scott • Apr 17, 2015 at 11:22 am
I found the NYF website – http://nationalyouthfront.com – and there is not a single word about racism or Neo-Nazism. They actually state many times about being non-supremacist. It’s realy weird, because for the first time in my life, I’ll have to side with NYF because this article is simply lying about the group. I don’t see any Swastikas or “hate slogans” on their website. If Blacks and other races are allowed to be proud and protect their heritage, then it’s only fair that Whites (Europeans) are afforded the same right.
If this board was anything other than a board about Whites, then the whole USA would have been against it.
Angelo John Gage • Apr 17, 2015 at 9:22 am
typical slander, please point out where on our site we say we are neo-nazis? http://nationalyouthfront.com/who-we-are/ In fact, we are ANTI-SUPREMACISTS. Amazing how the anti-white brainwashing is so strong in this school that Christians and whites who stand up against hate are “Nazis.” Funny how you won’t link to our website because it doesn’t fit in your anti-white bias reporting.
Christian • Apr 24, 2015 at 7:51 pm
Angelo! I am impressed by your films and writing. Good luck with your important job