UPDATE: Hospitality House reduces its services due to COVID-19

Abi Pepin, Reporter

Hospitality House is no longer offering the one night of services for people outside their designated area, of Ashe, Wilkes, Watauga, Avery, Mitchell, Yancey and Alleghany counties, unless they are escaping domestic violence, sexual assault or human trafficking. 

The services that are normally available include “one night of shelter, a hot shower, laundry facilities, private locker, public phone, computer/internet access and the option of a Sunway Charter bus pass to an available shelter the following day,” according to a press release.

“This decision was not made lightly,” Tina Krause, executive director said in a press release. “But in an effort to help protect the environment of this facility and our community as a whole during this pandemic, we felt it necessary.”

Takeout meals and a bus pass, if available, will still be offered to these individuals. If they are not interested in a bus pass and do not have a place to sleep, they will be offered a tent and sleeping bag.

“I want to reiterate that this decision does not affect individuals and families experiencing homelessness in our Northwest Continuum of Care region of Ashe, Wilkes, Watauga, Avery, Mitchell, Yancey and Alleghany counties. We remain steadfast in our mission, with dedicated staff working round the clock to ensure that the High Country population living in homelessness, hunger, and poverty receive all available resources that we are able to provide,” Krause said.