OPINION: No, THIS Thanksgiving food is the best!


Opinion Desk

Food, family and friends. Thanksgiving is the all-American holiday, uniting people across the country over traditional and nontraditional dishes alike. From dressing, cranberry sauce or pumpkin pie, everyone has a Thanksgiving favorite. But which dish is the best of the best? The Appalachian’s opinion desk attempts to settle the debate held around Thanksgiving tables for generations.

Editor Ella’s favorite Thanksgiving food is the turkey. Baked, fried, smoked or stuffed, this holiday classic never disappoints. Best followed by a piece of her grandpa’s apple pie.
Associate Editor Nadine Jallal’s favorite Thanksgiving food is her mom’s Palestinian addition to the table, Qidrah, the rice and chickpea blend on the left. The mix of Palestinian and American foods on the table makes Thanksgiving dinner Nadine’s favorite meal of the year.
Opinion writer Leah Boone’s favorite Thanksgiving food is her homemade dressing. Boone has always enjoyed preparing Thanksgiving dinner with her grandma, and making the dressing is one of her favorite yearly activities.
Emma Shew’s favorite Thanksgiving food is her aunt’s macaroni and cheese. It’s a staple for any Shew family get together, and Thanksgiving is no different.
Opinion writer Bella Lantz’s favorite Thanksgiving food is her dad’s famous potato casserole. Lantz’s family only gets it for holidays, so it is a treasured dish. It is not the healthiest food item, but it is always on every family members’ plate.
Opinion writer Jaiden Endress’s favorite part of thanksgiving is dessert, specifically their mom’s homemade cheesecake. Their household always hosts for the rest of the family, and cheesecake is always on the menu.
Opinion writer Bethany Hendren’s favorite Thanksgiving food is pumpkin pie. Hendren and her mom are starting a tradition of having a bake off on Thanksgiving. This year they had a competition doing pumpkin pies and Hendren won!