Positive COVID-19 case rides AppalCart during infectious period, AppHealthCare encourages testing

Emily Broyles, Reporter

A person who tested positive for COVID-19 rode the Pop-105 route on the AppalCart during their infectious period, according to a press release from AppHealthCare. 

Based on the investigation, the individual wore a face covering and practiced physical distancing on the route. 

“These actions lessen the risk of exposure to others but out of caution, we feel it is important to notify the public of this potential exposure,” according to the press release

The individual is recovering in isolation at home.

AppHealthCare encourages those who rode the Pop-105 route during the following times to monitor COVID-19 systems and get tested:

  • University Highlands bus at :25 and :55 on Nov. 11 or Nov. 12 between 6 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. or, Nov.18 between 6 a.m. – 10 a.m.
  •  Schaefer Center :10 and :40 on Nov. 11 or Nov. 12 between 6 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. or, Nov.18 between 6 a.m. – 10 a.m.

The press release stated AppHealthCare is “working closely” with AppalCart and has offered testing to employees that might have been exposed. 

“It is important for the community to know that we are making this public announcement for the reason of narrowing our efforts to identify those at risk. AppalCart is not named due to any action or inaction on their part or identified ongoing public health risk with frequenting public transit,” said Jennifer Greene, AppHealthCare health director. “We appreciate their ongoing partnership in this response effort.”

AppalCart director Craig Hughes said AppalCart staff members are cleaning “high-touch areas” on vehicles regularly and are provided face coverings and sanitizing wipes. All operators have access to gloves and are met with a separation barrier that isolates them from riders. Drivers and passengers are also required to wear face coverings.

App State is hosting pop-up testing at Rivers Street Parking Deck on the following dates: 

  • Saturday, Nov. 21
  • Monday, Nov. 23
  • Wednesday, Dec. 2
  • Wednesday, Dec. 9
  • Wednesday, Dec. 16

No insurance or appointment is needed, but an AppCard is.