Q’s Corner: Mueller Report Redactions

Q Russell, Opinion Editor

Attorney General William Barr told lawmakers on April 5 that he plans to release the Mueller report in mid-April after redacting it.

Barr, who helped cover up for and protect the guilty parties involved in the Iran-Contra Scandal, wrote to Congress that he wouldn’t submit the report to the White House before publication, but “the president would have the right to assert privilege over certain parts of the report,” he wrote.

President Donald “the Mueller report is a witch hunt” Trump tweeted on April 2, “Robert Mueller was a God-like figure to the Democrats, until he ruled No Collusion in the long awaited $30,000,000 Mueller Report. Now the Dems don’t even acknowledge his name, have become totally unhinged, and would like to go through the whole process again. It won’t happen!” That man will have the right to assert privilege over certain parts of the 400-page report focused on investigating his presidential campaign.

Before Barr’s appointment, he sent the Department of  Justice an unsolicited letter in which he wrote that the department couldn’t prosecute a sitting president for obstruction of justice.

That, combined with Barr’s letter to Congress on March 24 in which he summarized a 400-page report in three and a half pages and all but claimed Trump was innocent, the letter raises the implication that Barr might not be entirely forthcoming.

It’s not inconceivable that the report submitted to Congress might be more thoroughly sanitized than an operating room.

It almost seems like Trump appointed Barr as attorney general to work the same magic for him that he worked in the ‘80s after the Iran-Contra Scandal. 

The Iran-Contra Scandal was the illegal sale of arms to Iran, which was under an arms embargo, to fund the Contras, a Nicaraguan terrorist group dedicated to overthrowing the government.

Barr’s resume and the letter he wrote to the Department of Justice sure seems like a cover letter for the vacancy Jeff Sessions left.

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) was right when he said Barr was not a “fair broker” of the Mueller report in an interview with PBS.

“It is not the job of the attorney general, who, is after all, a political appointee of the president, who was hired for the job in order to protect the president personally,” Nadler said. “We know that this president fired the previous attorney general because he wouldn’t protect him personally.”

Watching this is like watching a car accident in slow motion, but instead of watching from a distance, the U.S. is in the backseat with the driver saying there isn’t an accident, they can’t smell gasoline and the car isn’t on fire.