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100 Rules for Living in Boone

100 Rules for Living in Boone

Boone is a special place. Maybe you already know that and that’s why you chose to come to Appalachian, or maybe you’ll discover the magic during your first year here. Either way, you need to know a few things to survive your first year in Boone and your first year of college. Here are a list of 100 rules for life in Boone and at App, crowdsourced from sections 103 and 104 of COM 2600: Introduction to Journalism from spring semester 2014. Read below, and heed the wisdom of your predecessors. As you go through your first year, tweet us your tips @TheAppalachian with hashtag #BooneTips, and maybe you’ll see them in next year’s guide.

1. Own a pair of Chacos.
2. Wear whatever you want, wherever you want, whenever you want.
3. You will get snow in April. Don’t be surprised.
4. Spring break is not spring break. It’s still winter.
5. Correct anybody who pronounces Appal-ah-chian as Appa-lay-chian.
6. Just because you own a four-wheel drive, doesn’t mean you know how to drive in the snow.
7. Los or Dos: You have to pick one.
8. The mall is not a mall. It’s Panera Bread and a used game store.
9. Everything is within walking distance.
10. If you are wearing a lanyard, you are a freshman.
11. Always check your email before class, because it could be canceled because of snow.
12. But don’t expect snow to cancel class.
13. Football game day is a holiday.
14. There are no seats in the library during exams.
15. The second floor of the library is not for doing homework.
16. It takes longer to build stairs for Chapell-Wilson than it does to build a Waffle House.
17. Life lesson: If it’s free, take it. Food, T-shirts, rides, pens.
18. Maybe not drinks though.
19. Trying to drive somewhere on King St.? Top off your gas tank and bring a snack.
20. Always make sure you remember when Stick Boy’s free cookie/free coffee giveaway is.
21. During move-in week, don’t expect to find hangers at Wal-Mart.
22. Rivers Street is a speed trap.
23. The only way you’ll get tan in Boone is in a tanning bed.
24. Don’t wear a bikini on Sanford Mall.
25. Slack-lining is a thing.
26. ENO-ing (hammocking) is also a thing.
27. You will more than likely lose your App Card at some point.
28. No-Shave November is a year-round thing.
29. It will always be Central Dining Hall.
30. You will hate Florida drivers.
31. The Blue Ridge Parkway is the definition of taking the scenic route.
32. Your car might break on the hill by The Cottages.
33. Expect to go without showering for two days at least once while you’re here.
34. You can’t always tell the difference between homeless people and students.
35. There are no black barbershops in Boone.
36. If you haven’t had a cookie from Appalachia Cookie Company, you haven’t lived.
37. Order the “Ron Swanson” from Appalachia Cookie Company: Chocolate chip, maple, bourbon and bacon cookie.
38. Go sledding on Suicide Hill.
39. And be prepared to go to the hospital afterward.
40. Get a pair of Bean boots for the winter.
41. You should never have a hard time finding where to eat breakfast off campus.
42. Jimmy John’s will always deliver, no matter the weather.
43. Volunteering is easy here. Visit the ACT office for information.
44. If you want ice cream, go to Blowing Rock and get Kilwin’s.
45. Go to Haikido.
46. Only if you get shrimp sauce, though.
47. Save the expensive restaurants for when your parents are visiting.
48. Howard’s Knob is accessible even if the gate is closed, if you’re dedicated enough.
49. People climbing in trees is normal.
50. Seatbelt tickets are real here.
51. Shoes are optional.
52. Ignore the forecast.
53. Own at least one flannel shirt.
54. The construction on 321 will never end.
55. Coffee is your friend during exam week.
56. Buy an ice scraper.
57. Leggings are an everyday outfit. They’re just jeans.
58. Remember when we beat Michigan?
59. Tailgating starts at 9 a.m., no matter what time the game actually starts.
60. You must own a yellow scarf and a black dress.
61. Don’t expect air conditioning when it gets warm.
62. Wear layers.
63. Sanford Hall will always be hot. So will Walker.
64. During the winter, you will fall on the ice at least once… a week.
65. Learn all the trails.
66. You have to get the picture on Rough Ridge.
67. You have to Instagram at least one sunset.
68. If your Chacos haven’t smelled, you’re doing it wrong.
69. Cascades: Rice & beans.
70. Understand where the cheapest meal is each day.
71. Phil’s gas station is your friend.
72. No one reads on Reading Day. It’s on Saturday.
73. Church parking lots do not hold any mercy.
74. If your parents ask where to go, the answer is Dan’l Boone Inn Restaurant.
75. Cook-Out is heaven at 2 a.m.
76. Don’t cause problems for the locals.
77. Be as stressed out as possible when it’s time to sign up for classes.
78. Prepare to spend a whole day waiting on books.
79. The walk up to Mountaineer is no joke.
80. The Living Learning Community (LLC) kind of looks like Hogwarts.
81. The walk to the Quinn is your workout.
82. Every day is leg day at App.
83. Parking tickets are common here. Expect to receive one, or more.
84. Appalachian is hot, hot, hot!
85. Don’t expect to find parking on King Street.
86. You will lock yourself out of your freshman dorm at least once.
87. Don’t buy all your groceries at The Market, unless you have leftover Monopoly money.
88. Need to de-stress? Visit the cat room at the Humane Society.
89. Keep wishing there was a Target in Boone. Maybe your wish will come true.
90. It won’t.
91. Bring your AppCard everywhere.
92. Georgia Southern will never be as good as us at anything.
93. Make fun of Western whenever you can.
94. We have awesome P.E. classes.
95. Learn to snowboard. Or ski. Or try.
96. Go to the movies for $1 on campus.
97. There’s no wind direction in wind.
98. Summertime is 60 degrees.
99. You’ll have snow days… and then more.
100. If you can get through the maze of Anne Belk Hall, you can get through life.

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  • J

    Jeff EasonAug 21, 2014 at 7:42 pm

    Don’t just drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway, explore it! There’s Price Park picnic area, Price Lake, Bass Lake, Moses Cone Estate, E.B. Jeffress Park (with waterfalls), and lots of hiking trails. And don’t forget about the new Mountains-to-Sea Trail that runs through here. Also, I would add, don’t be afraid to mingle with us locals. We’re a welcoming sort and would love to see you at WHS football games, benefit fundraisers (5-Ks, pig-pickings, etc.) and houses of worship. Don’t be a stranger. After all, when your four years are through, you’re probably going to want to live here permanently.

  • D

    Dr. William A. GoraAug 21, 2014 at 8:36 am

    101. When accosted by local law enforcement, don’t be a smart-ass! Know that they already don’t like you and they, especially the sherriff’s dept. are mostly bullies. 102. Fill up the gas tanks in a neighboring county when returning to Boone, as it is much cheaper. 103. Same for groceries.104. It is your right to vote locally if you have met all of the requirements. Remember there are many folks (of a certain political persuasion) who don’t want you to vote.

    • M

      Michael SmithAug 21, 2014 at 8:36 pm

      105. Learn the AppalCART schedules. They’re free to ride, drivers are willing to help anyway they can, and it’s an easy way to get around town.
      106. 828-262-7669 is the school’s line for weather related cancelations if you lose Internet or power… It’s a real possibility.

      • M

        Michael SmithAug 21, 2014 at 8:40 pm

        I’m one of the drivers so I know this

      • M

        mary joAug 22, 2014 at 10:29 pm

        My daughter is currently a junior and the AppalCART has been a wonderful part of her experience at App, the drivers really truly are awesome, waiting for people they see hustling to get to the bus, always friendly and helpful, thank you!

      • E

        evenphlowAug 23, 2014 at 12:51 pm

        The drivers definitely helped me…be late to most every class from getting passed by. 😉

    • S

      StorminASUAug 22, 2014 at 9:36 am

      This sounds like very level headed advice Dr. Gora, and not at all like left leaning B.S. Rule 105: Dr. Gora is the exception to the “Don’t cause problems for the locals” rule. Tell me, as an apparent liberal, how much does it hurt to be offended by everything?
