In October 2011, Mississippi-born brothers Scott and Steven Prewitt opened up Come Back Shack, a popular Boone business known for its unique take on fast food.
Formerly, the brothers worked with a franchise establishment known as Backyard Burger, which was located on the grounds that

currently house Come Back Shack. The Prewitts transformed the establishment and officially reopened its doors on Oct. 31, thus beginning Come Back Shack’s ascension toward becoming a staple of Boone restaurants.
“Over time, we realized there were things we wanted to do differently [and] things we wanted to do better. There came a time that we could execute ideas we had, whilst transitioning out of our [former] situation,” Scott Prewitt said.
The sentiment of change and growth motivated both Scott and Steven Prewitt to make the drastic transformation from an industry-based restaurant to a locally owned business. The change of their business model allotted more creativity and freedom, allowing them to develop their ideas and passions and see them manifest into a successful establishment, Scott said.
“We had been a part of the franchise industry for a long time, Scott Prewitt said. “Creating Come Back Shack allowed us to have something of our own. Whilst the transition was challenging and the thought of leaving a business that had been good to us proved hard, we were finally able to create something that was completely ours.”
The restaurant also hosts fundraisers for clubs and organizations at Appalachian, sources local produce and allow customers to give feedback to Scott and Steven Prewitt, who can usually be found in the establishment.
Steven Prewitt was unavailable for comment.
“We are able to better cater to our customers,” Scott Prewitt said in reference to the feedback the brothers have received. “We did a lot of tweaking within the first nine months of opening. It is those changes that have gotten us to where we are today.”
Students such as sophomore global studies major Talley Breedlove agree that Come Back Shack caters to the whole community.
“Whenever I’m there, I see people from all walks of life,” Breedlove said. “Long-time locals to new ASU students.”
In spite of having surpassed their initial goals, the Prewitt brothers said they are constantly reaching for new heights.
“Once we put a check mark by one element of our business, we move on to the next item on the list. There is always room for improvement,” Scott Prewitt said.
Currently, the item that has been on the agenda for the owners is the expansion of Come Back Shack to locations outside of Boone due to the demand for the restaurant’s style and interpretation of an otherwise common meal.
The restaurant serves as a burger joint whose menu offers a wide-variety of foods that can be tweaked to include vegetarians and gluten-free customers. Its take on the traditional American burger, “Come Back sauce” and several other menu items have a steady following of return customers who frequent the joint two or three times a week.
The business receives an astounding amount of support from the local community and strives to make its product worthy of the money that Boone residents are willing to put in.
“Come Back Shack was founded and started here, I think that it also has a lot of characteristics of Boone,” Breedlove said. “It supports a lot of organizations within Boone through their fundraising, and pretty much every student at [Appalachian] knows and loves Come Back Shack. It is very much a part of Boone.”
Both Scott and Steven Prewitt said they hope the current relationship with the community continues to grow, and that they are able to foster similar relations in their new locations.
They plan on remaining in Boone while leaving the organization and maintenance of their upcoming new establishments to families that are local to the respective communities and can uphold the high standards that the brothers have set in Boone.
“We are currently looking at taking Come Back Shack on the road; however, we are looking to stay true to who we are,” Scott Prewitt said.
As the Prewitt brothers look to the future of Come Back Shack, they are adamant on steering away from reverting back to the franchise industry and maintaining the local flavors that make the establishment unique.
Story: Naula Ndugga, Intern News Reporter