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The Student News Site of Appalachian State University

The Appalachian

The Student News Site of Appalachian State University

The Appalachian

The Student News Site of Appalachian State University

The Appalachian

Maedchen Britton

Opinion: Ron Paul overlooked by mainstream media

Abbi Pittman September 9, 2012

The mainstream media always hounds candidates during election season. But it seems they’re off Libertarian-turned-Republican Ron Paul’s trail. At the Republican Nation Convention this August, everyone...

Casey Sugilia

Opinion: Dear Convocation, what’s your purpose again?

Abbi Pittman September 9, 2012

It is one of the most awaited events of the beginning of fall semester for upperclassmen and the most commonly dreaded one for freshmen: convocation.  According to the university’s website it is...

Lindsay Bookout

PCP: Pot study proves nothing conclusive

Abbi Pittman September 7, 2012

A recent study suggests that regular marijuana use in teenagers may result in lower IQ scores, according to the Associated Press. Duke University researchers tested the IQs of 1,000 Dunedin, New Zealand...

Chelsey Fisher

PCP: Pot study tells us what we already know

Abbi Pittman September 7, 2012

A recent study suggests that regular marijuana use in teenagers may result in lower IQ scores, according to the Associated Press. Duke University researchers tested the IQs of 1,000 Dunedin, New Zealand...

Letter: Romney-Ryan aim to insure Pell Grant program solvency

Abbi Pittman September 6, 2012

To The Appalachian, In the August 27 issue of The Appalachian, Lindsey Bookout wrote an article that questioned why any student receiving financial aid (most notably Pell Grants) would vote for the Romney-Ryan...

Allison Langewisch

Cartoon: Yosef, we’re not in Michigan anymore

Abbi Pittman September 6, 2012

Cartoon: ALLISON LANGEWISCH, Editorial Cartoonist  

Andrew Cox

Cartoon: Book rental system not all it’s cracked up to be

Abbi Pittman September 6, 2012

Cartoon: ANDREW COX, Editorial Cartoonist

Opinion: Women’s rights compromised by politics

Abbi Pittman September 5, 2012

America is taking a step backward regarding women’s rights. Two prominent government figures recently made statements reaffirming my belief, and I am not interested in their political stance on my body....

Michael Bragg

Cartoon: Eastwood confronts his imagination at DMC

Abbi Pittman September 4, 2012

Cartoon: MICHAEL BRAGG, Senior A&E Reporter {nomultithumb}

Kevin Griffin

Opinion: Facebook may not be showing you the truth

Abbi Pittman August 31, 2012

This July, I took the utterly unremarkable step of setting up a Facebook account. This decision was bittersweet for me because, although I understand all the advantages of being able to keep in touch...

Opinion: Football shouldn’t come first

Abbi Pittman August 31, 2012

Our Mountaineer football team has brought a lot of positive attention to the university. But I feel as if here is a growing problem with athletes behaving inappropriately, which in turn affects colleges...

Opinion: Sporadic smoker sickened by discarded cigarette butts

Anne Buie August 29, 2012

It really sickens me when I cross our beautiful campus and nearly trip over the disgusting assortment of soggy, pungent, grimy butts.Cigarette butts, that is. This littering habit needs to be kicked.But...

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