Farewell column: And yet

Kara Haselton, Photojournalist

There’s no doubt that my time at App State didn’t turn out the way I thought it would. I think all current seniors feel that way. I came wide-eyed and ready to do all the things, have all the experiences, meet all the people. It’s too easy to feel disappointed or guilty about what I missed out on that I completely overlook the wonder of what I did get to do and the relationships I did build. 

Like many of us, thanks to COVID-19, my semester abroad was canceled. And yet, I did two summers of internships abroad in places and with people that changed my heart and soul.

I spent more time in my apartment than I had ever expected or wanted to in college. And yet, I established life-long friendships with my roommates, who became key contributors to my personal and intellectual growth.

I failed to get involved with the Boone community as much as I had hoped — my biggest regret. And yet, I still learned about the beauty and history of Appalachia and the importance of community and intentionality. And I know I’ll be a better local citizen wherever I end up next because of what I’ve learned here. 

I wish I had joined The Appalachian and other student organizations sooner, to find people that care about the same things I do. And yet, I still joined. I was given valuable experiences and practical knowledge that I couldn’t have gotten anywhere else.

  For every letdown or feeling of regret, there are possibilities for amazement and growth right alongside. It’s why to this day I think bittersweetness is the most honest emotion. It’s proof that we’ve lived. And App State was a part of my living. 

Thank you professors, friends, fellow students, fellow staffers, for it all.