Letter to the Editor: Generation Z Will Go Down as The Dumbest Generation

John Moncrieff

I am a member of Generation Z currently in college. I graduated high school without taking a single online class from kindergarten to 12th grade. Currently, with COVID-19, schools are closing, and classes are now being offered and taken online. Some students love online courses, and a lot of students hate online classes. Online learning is not the same as in-class learning because online you teach yourself, you make your schedule, and you have to be self-motivated to do your work the proper way. When classes are in person, your teacher or professor is there to walk you through any questions you may have, motivate you, and help manage your time.

At the end of the last academic school year, I talked to many parents and students. Parents with children in elementary school taking online classes said that their child spent a few hours a day or a week at school. Public schools in North Carolina spend 6.75 hours a day on average in class, but if elementary students spend half of the time, such as 2-3 hours a day with school, they are getting half of an education.

I am a college student. My lowest grade before classes went online was 85%. Remember that number. One month into online learning, I’m spending 10-12 hours a day on schoolwork every day Monday through Sunday. Before online schooling, I would spend around 5-6 hours a day on schoolwork and class Monday through Friday, giving myself the weekend to relax. As I might be spending more time on schoolwork, most would think “see online schooling is better!” Wrong. I have the first series of tests after a month of online schooling. I failed every single test that week, the highest grade being a 58%. This was the first time I’ve ever failed a test in college as a junior, but I failed three tests in that one week. I also couldn’t tell you a single thing that I learned this last semester after we went online.

Online schooling is not the answer for Gen Z, and we will be the dumbest generation because we all will be lacking knowledge. Kindergarteners will go into middle school without knowing how to do basic math such as subtraction, adding, division and multiplication. Middle school students will go into high school without knowing how to do algebra, simple grammar, and basic reading or spelling. High school students will go into college not knowing the history of the world and America, basic calculus, basic science or life skills. College students are going to graduate school, not knowing how to do work in their field. How is an education major supposed to teach a class if they were never given the opportunity for student teaching? How is a nurse supposed to take care of their patients when they weren’t able to do clinical experience? How is an accountant supposed to make a balance sheet if they aren’t taught properly? If our generation is not taught correctly, how will we teach upcoming generations like our children and grandchildren?

John Moncrieff

John Moncrieff is a junior marketing major.