Move-in day brings new faces to campus
Construction in Stadium Lot limited both driving and parking availability, which posed a challenge for students moving into West Campus residence halls in 2019. This was the last “normal” move-in day.
August 16, 2019
Most students living on campus for the 2019-20 school year moved in on Friday, all bringing individuality, their belongings and their own reason for being here.
Some of the students are like Zach Mueller, a first year from Greensboro. Mueller’s graduating class was about 100 students, 17 of whom are now App State students.
Other students like Steve Snyder, a first year from New Jersey, decided to attend a university that is nine hours from his home. Snyder said his mother’s hairdresser’s daughter told him about App State.
He also said he heard great things about the environmental science major, which Snyder has decided to pursue. nice
Moving to college can also be emotional for some new students, such as Caroline Fehlman, a first year from Williamsburg, Virginia. Fehlman decided to help other students on Friday so she could move in a day early.
Fehlman said being far away from her family and friends made her anxious at first.
“Driving here, I was super nervous and stressed out. Once you move in, you’re so focused on that, that the stress went away,” Fehlman said. “It’s a lot of work moving in.”
Fehlman also talked to students and parents who were nervous about moving, like she was.
Then, there are other students who do not know exactly how they feel, such as Nate Huntley, a first year from Matthews, only two hours away.
When asked if he was nervous about moving in, Huntley said, “Not really, not much, maybe a little bit.”
Huntley said he has never shared his room and will be sharing it with a random roommate this academic year.
Savannah Carter, a first year from Charlotte, has shared a room her entire life. Now, she has a new roommate that she has gotten to know through Facebook and Instagram.
Close to 3,000 students are moving to App State during the move in weekend. Roughly 2,700 students moved onto campus in the weeks leading up to move in day.