OPINION: Winston-Salem’s Batman


Stephen C. Leverton II, Opinion Writer

Beginning in December, Winston-Salem gained a new hero: Night Watch. While Night Watch isn’t a superhero like Batman or Spider-Man, he’s a friend for those in need. He helps out the homeless and settles disputes in Winston-Salem

According to the Winston-Salem Journal, Night Watch uses his costume to bring  awareness toWinston-Salem’s homeless problem. He may look silly with his leather jacket and goggles, but he’s addressing an issue. While he may not have cash on hand, Night Watch carries around a bag of supplies for the homeless including; clothing, food, water and toiletries. 

Night Watch, who revealed his identity in an Instagram post in January, only cares about helping others in his community. His use of being open with people and engagement with those who may not experience human interaction otherwise allows for people to trust and look up to him. The city needs more selfless people like Night Watch who are dedicated to helping those in need. It’s hard to help people nowadays due to the coronavirus, Night Watch himself isn’t active due to it, but people who want to help can stay at home or donate blood to a local blood drive. Night Watch is starting something that Winston-Salem needs. He’s becoming a selfless role model that many people need in these trying times. Everyone can be a hero by staying home, practicing social distancing, and washing your hands.