Boone water users are advised to boil their water after a water main breakage this morning.
Public Works director Rick Miller said there was an 8 inch water break between 7 and 7:30 a.m. The town was required to send the 24-hour advisory because the water pressure dropped below 20 psi.
Townspeople are advised to boil their water for a minute before consumption.
According to a statement released by the Town of Boone Public Works department this morning, the main break caused a drop in pressure that could have caused a back siphon, which could contaminate the water with bacteria.
Miller said some off-campus Appalachian State buildings are affected, namely the Appalachian Panhellenic Hall and the Alumni Center. Appalachian State’s campus is on a separate water supply from the town, but the following buildings on-campus have been affected: Human Resources, University Hall, Business Affairs Annex, Physical Plant/State Farm Recreation area, Charleston Forge, Panhellenic Hall, Poplar Grove Daycare, McKinney Alumni Center, Estes House, Turchin Center for the Visual Arts, Legends and Beasley Media Complex.
Miller said samples have been collected since 9 a.m. and will be sent off to be tested for contamination. If the results come back clean by about noon tomorrow, then the advisory will be lifted. Otherwise it will be extended for another 24 hour period.
Miller said there is currently no way to know if and to what extent there is contamination until the lab results come back.
Story by: Staff Reports