Business Affairs Committee approves $3.7 million in funds for campus repairs

Moss Brennan, Reporter

The Business Affairs Committee approved $3.7 million in current year Repair and Renovation funds on Friday morning during the September board of trustees meeting.

These funds will go toward:

  • Walker Hall structural repairs – $800,000
  • Campus-wide electronic door access installation – $750,000
  • Chapell Wilson roof repairs – $300,000
  • Physical Plant roof and wall repairs – $600,000
  • Holmes Convocation Center stair and Variable Air volume box replacement – $450,000
  • Sanford Hall chilled water and hall entrance – $600,000
  • BB Dougherty emergency generator – $200,000

The total $4.2 million cost includes $500,000 from prior R&R funds and $200,000 in carryforward funds — funds that carryover from the previous budget into the new budget.  

Vice chancellor for business affairs Paul Forte said the money was approved for this year. 

“Work will begin with planning, design and bidding,” Forte said. “The timing of completion for each project is different and will be determined based on the impact on classes.”

Six new members of the BOT were sworn in at the start of the full meeting. Those sworn in include student body president DeJon Milbourne, who is a member of the BOT because of his student government position. Others included Mark E. Ricks, Thomas Sofield, James Reaves, John Blackburn and Kimberly Shepherd. 

The next meeting of the BOT is Friday, Nov. 22 on the fourth floor of Plemmons Student Union.