Letter to the Editor: Remove the Russian flag from the Union
April 14, 2022
That some students and faculty canceled their St. Patrick’s Day doings to participate in an expression of solidarity with the people of the Ukraine heartens my perception of Appalachian. I applaud that thoughtful vigil for the Ukrainian people, the bravery of their military and the suffering of their citizens. However, considering the Russian invasion and recent news of the brutality of its military, it disturbs me that the flag of the Russian state hangs in an honored place at the start of the corridor of flags in the Plemmons Student Union. That display is a symbolic and hopeful assembly of a peaceful and productive international community, a goal of global education at Appalachian. It is time to remove the colors of the Russian state and replace them with the flag of Ukrainia, moving it from its place at the end of the corridor. I hope some administrative process — either student or university — will effect this change. Slava Ukraini!
Thomas McGowan, Professor Emeritus of English