Three additional App State subcontractors test positive for COVID-19
May 27, 2020
Three additional subcontractors working on App State’s campus tested positive for COVID-19, as confirmed by AppHealthCare. This comes after 16 workers tested positive May 14.
Two individuals are residents of Watauga County. They were last on campus May 16 and May 22, respectively. The third is not a Watauga resident and was most recently on campus May 20.
In a press release, AppHealthCare confirmed that all three workers have cooperated with isolation orders and are recovering in their homes. Public health staff have identified close contacts who are in quarantine and will be tested while in isolation.
App State outlined operational measures in cooperation with AppHealthCare in an email sent to students. They are as follows:
- All construction contractors working at the university will have access to broader testing at worksites, including those that have not experienced a positive case to date
- Enhanced precautionary measures for on campus employees, including wearing face coverings and maintaining six feet of distance through Gov. Cooper’s Executive Order 131 and 135
- Verifying self reported tests and tests in other counties in consultation with the North Carolina Division of Public Health Communicable Disease team and AppHealthCare as a university partner