Visiting Writers Series postponed due to COVID-19

Hadasa Rivera Marin, Reporter

In light of the coronavirus pandemic affecting not only App State’s campus, but the nation at large, the Visiting Writers Series is postponed. 

In an email, Susan Weinberg, coordinator of the series, said their department was working to reschedule creative non-fiction author Graham Hoppe, poet Nickole Brown, Jacinta White, and possibly bring a fourth writer “assuming things go back to normal in the fall.”

The tentative schedule for Fall of 2020:

  • Sept.17- poet Jacinta White
  • Oct. 1- returning visiting writer, novelist, and 2020 Rivers-Coffey Distinguished Writer in Residence, Jacinda Townsend
  • Nov. 12 – creative nonfiction writer Graham Hoppe
  • Nov. 19 – poet Nicole Brown

All events will be free and open to the public.