Black Cat Burrito employee tests positive for COVID-19
September 30, 2020
A Black Cat Burrito employee tested positive for COVID-19, causing the joint to shut down all delivery, in-person and carry-out services.

According to a statement on its Instagram, Black Cat is working closely with AppHealthCare to proceed safely.
The restaurant will be monitoring the situation and following protocol set by AppHealthCare while closed.
“We closed to give our employees time to get tested so that we know who has it and who does not in the interest of our staff’s safety and the public’s safety,” Jillian Bazin, assistant general manager said .
Black Cat said on Instagram that it does not plan on being closed very long, as they have “followed proper protocol” to keep staff and customers safe.
“My coworkers and I have either already gotten tested or will be getting tested in the next day or two,” Caleb Brown, a Black Cat employee, said. “We’ve been taking COVID very seriously and hope that we’re able to reopen soon because of our rigorous following of various safety guidelines and precautions.”
Black Cat has not announced a reopening date.