Mullins.Martin campaign found not responsible for alleged campaign violation

Moss Brennan, Reporter

The Student Government Association elections court found the Mullins.Martin campaign not responsible for a campaign violation alleged by the Davis.Hunter campaign.

The Davis.Hunter campaign filed a violation alleging that the Mullins.Martin campaign violated the declaration and limited campaigning periods after confirmation of Devin Mullins’ candidacy for student body president appeared in an article in The Appalachian.

The elections court ruled that in the “article posted by The Appalachian, Mullins specifically stated he was not a candidate for student body president as well as no accounts of approval or authorization from the campaign for the article in question, therefore there is no evidence that a candidate officially declared.”

Similarly, for the limited campaigning violation, the court stated that “no campaign platforms, materials or issues were given in the

“The decision of the E-Court means that we can continue reaching App Students with our message and vision for our school,” Mullins said in a statement. “The more time we spend arguing in E-Court, the less time we get to do that.”

Mullins also said that his team is ready to get back to work.

Michael Davis, candidate for student body president and current vice president, said the outcome was not what they wanted but “we respect their decision and our campaign is going to keep running like nothing happened.”