Appalachian’s Wine to Water will host ‘Waiting for Water’ Friday

Michelle Pierce

(Left to right) Ashley Ellis, Katy Cook and Michael John O’Neal are holding the Wine to Water jerry cans that will be carried in the walk Friday to raise awareness for the water crisis worldwide. Michelle Pierce
Appalachian State University’s Wine to Water club has planned an event that allows students to put themselves in the shoes of those who live without clean drinking water every day, chapter president Katy Cook said.

Students will meet on Sanford Mall to receive jerry cans full of dirty water to walk around campus during an event called “Waiting for Water” to raise awareness for World Water Day.

“Waiting For Water” is hosted in conjunction with Social Justice Week happening from March 19 to 28, where students will participate in a series of events determined to address some of the world’s most pressing human rights issues.

The fuel containers are similar to the canisters that people all over the world have to carry for miles to gather contaminated water, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America, Cook said.

The group has pledged to refrain from using water all day on Friday until the start of the walk and encourage other students to join them as well. At the end of the walk, Cook and the other club leaders will show students how contaminated water is cleaned with a powerful yet portable Sawyer filter.

Appalachian’s Wine to Water chapter is separate from the Wine to Water based in Boone and located on King Street. The club raises money to give to the actual organization, which uses the money for water filtration systems in areas all over the world.

“Water is something we think every human being has the right to,” said event and awareness coordinator Ashley Ellis.

Story and Photo: MICHELLE PIERCE, Intern News Reporter