AppalCart provides Boone community with vaccination transportation
Drivers are now required to wear face coverings, made available to them by AppalCart, and are offered gloves, clear barriers, and other protective measures in order to promote public health.
March 3, 2021
AppalCart is offering free transportation to and from COVID-19 vaccination appointments at the Watauga County Recreation Center.
Announced on their website and Twitter, those in need of transportation can contact the AppalCart dispatch office to schedule a pickup.
“Transportation is not a barrier,” said Craig Hughes, transportation director. “There’s not really a reason for anybody not to get the vaccine.”
AppalCart requires proof of appointment to avoid people without COVID-19 vaccination appointments using the service just to go to the recreation center, which opens on April 26. Through a separate program, however, people over the age of 60 can access rides to senior centers, doctors’ offices and grocery stores.
The new initiative is funded through the North Carolina Departments of Transportation and Health and Human Services. AppalCart received roughly $18,000.
“They sent it to us for a reason, let’s use it up and get as many people vaccinated as possible,” Hughes said. “I’m hoping people take advantage of it.”
Getting as many people vaccinated as possible will stop the spread in the Boone community and bring everyone another step closer to pre-COVID-19 life, said Hughes.
“Anybody that wants the vaccine can get it now,” Hughes said. “Obviously, when their group comes up.”